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Imhoff & Associates Gets 2 Million Dollar Drug Trafficking Case Dismissed

A drug trafficking case has been dismissed against a truck driver from Arbuckle, California, after his attorney Larry Vandersnick with criminal defense law firm Imhoff & Associates, demonstrated their client was a victim of illegal search and seizure during a vehicle search by the police on Interstate 80, as the truck was driving across Illinois.

Imhoff & Associates proved that the police illegally searched the defendant’s vehicle without probable cause and did not exercise proper police procedure when they took control of their client’s equipment. Imhoff & Associates were successful in having the case against their client dismissed.

According to the police the truck contained 35 pounds of cocaine and 10 pounds of methamphetamine with a value of 2 million dollars. Imhoff’s client was charged with five Class X felonies which could have resulted in 6 – 15 years in prison. Vandersnick successfully presented evidence of improper search and seizure that lead to the dismissal of the case.

About Imhoff & Associates
As one of the largest criminal defense law firms in the country, Imhoff & Associates provides expert criminal defense for the criminally accused. Their legal team has extensive experience with thousands of cases reducing or eliminating charges brought against their clients. Imhoff & Associates provides free consultation and are available 24/7 to assist clients with their legal needs.

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