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A man who was wrongly convicted of a sexual assault crime and spent seven years as a registered sex offender, after being released from prison, was recently proved innocent.

The innocent victim is now filing a suit against the city for the ten years he wrongly spent behind bars.

Innocent Man Convicted

Guy Randolph, 50, was convicted of indecently assaulting a little girl and battery in 1991 and spent 10 years in jail for his supposed crimes.

After being released from jail and returning to his Hyde Park neighborhood, Randolph was registered as a convicted sex offender and the community branded him as an outcast.

Randolph and his mother were even told they weren’t allowed to be approved for public housing in the city.

Justice Served

In May, a Superior Court judge exonerated him after the district attorney’s office acknowledged his innocence.

His name was immediately taken off the Sex Offender Registry and the picture of him that hung in the Boston police station for years was finally removed.

Lawsuit Filed

Randolph has filed a suit against the city and is hoping to be compensated for all the time he lost while being in prison.

"I feel as though Guy deserves compensation" says his 74-year-old mother, who he lives with. "It’s owed to him. There are lots of things he missed out on."

(Source: The Boston Globe)

Have you or someone you know been accused of a crime you didn’t commit? If so, please contact us to speak with an experienced attorney who will evaluate your case and ensure that you receive the compensation you need and deserve.

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